Monday, July 27, 2020

Questions about my questions

I have questions about my questions. 

After adding, sorting, and recording, question quickfire has morphed into a bit of a mindmap. 

I found that my question flow went as follows:

  1. Question Priming: thinking about my new baby, her curiosity, my students, their curiosity.

  2. Nature of Curiosity: why we are curious in the first place or would want to grow students in curiosity.

  3. Nature of Curriculum/Inquiry: what types of questions would it take to make a curriculum of inquiry?

  4. Comparison Questions: inquiry across disciplines, curriculum of answers vs questions, online vs in person.

  5. Prototype Potential: protocols, curriculum outline, design thinking integration. 

Stepping back further, I could organize my questions in Berger’s (2014) why, what if, how outline.

  • Why do schools kill creativity/curiosity? (Or framed positively: Why should schools foster curiosity?)

  • What if a curriculum was built on questions rather than answers?

  • How do students become the owners of inquiry?

Even more broadly, this process is bringing a bit more clarity to a wicked problem I want to tackle. My colleagues and I have been partaking in curriculum building work for the past few years and are embarking on more for next year. Inquiry education has been somewhat of a given throughout my time as a teacher, but the quickfire questioning process is peeling back more foundational layers. Online learning is adding a slight wrinkle to plans for next, but inquiry curriculum is a great candidate to attack the wicked problem of school being boring.

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Summer's End Life Question Quickfire

It is the end of summer. It is the end of a course. Not the bitter end, however.  From the start, this course embraced inquiry, curiosity, a...